Lemhi County Humane Society is participating in IDAHO GIVES starting April 23rd – May 7

Idaho Gives is a statewide day of giving in Idaho, designed to bring the state together, raising money and awareness for Idaho nonprofits. In response to COVID-19, LCHS has had to close Rags and Wags, our primary source of income. Currently we are in need of operating funds to continue our mission at the Salmon Animal Shelter. At this point in time we have been able to keep our employees on payroll and working to safely shelter and rehome abandoned and stray companion animals. But our coffers are being drained each and every day that we cannot operate our thrift store. Please consider a donation to the Lemhi County Humane Society. More info at salmonanimalshelter.com and to donate go to IdahoGives.org – our direct giving link Lemhi County Humane Society .