Red the dog died in his kennel Saturday, November 20, 2021. We think he was 13 years old. There was no indication he wasn’t feeling well on Friday. He ate all his dinner that night. We think he died in his sleep later Friday evening or early Saturday morning.

A lot of us have only known the shelter with Red the hound dog there. He was surrendered around 2014. Throughout his residence at the shelter he inspired:
- newsletters
- burger runs,
- and even his own custom built dog house, a Senior Project one year. Special shout out – He used that doghouse All-The-Time. It was such a kick to see him lounging on the porch. Yes, Red’s dog house had a porch!
- Lots of social media posts and videos.

Fun Facts:
- He was a challenge to walk on leash when younger. Seasoned volunteer dog walkers knew which harnesses and leashes to use with him. He mellowed with age.
- He loved car and shelter van rides.
- He had his own GPS tracking collar, donated, back when they were not as common and more expensive, as he was known to take the path less traveled at Discovery Hill on occasion. He always came back.
- He never turned down a meal or a biscuit. He left his bowl clean – even that last night.
- He was a shelter Facebook fan favorite. Red’s posts were always the most popular garnering the most likes by far. You loved seeing and hearing about Red’s exploits.
- We kept a motorized scooter at the shelter for many years, and he loved to run along beside the scooter for a jaunt around the neighborhood.
- He loved toys: rope toys, balls, puzzle toys, stuffy toys, squeaky toys, kongs….and he could be quite the clown when playing with them.
- He wore it well. He wore his share of bandannas, scarves, his coat, Halloween costumes, and hats. And there is plenty of photographic evidence.
- He started baying a greeting whenever he recognized a friend’s car or voice.

Yet despite the notoriety we never did find him an adoptive home? Not for lack of trying. He routinely generated interest. He wasn’t that different from any other adoptable dog save for a few behavior ticks. He had the trifecta of shyness, not getting along with other dogs very well, and treating cats as prey. He was happy. We think he made it to the ripe old age of 13. The shelter is never a replacement for a loving adoptive home, but maybe in Red’s special case, he was home after all? Thank you for loving him along with us, and for making his care possible.